Today Father Gregory shares part one of a three-part series on the rich and deep central prayer of the Orthodox Church, The Lord's Prayer. The series intention is to help deepen our understanding and zeal for the prayer Jesus gave only to His disciples around 30 AD. This prayer was part of the experience of the Church and passed down orally. The first line of the prayer, " Our Father, who are in heaven" is the focus of part one in this series. Jesus called God, His father, making Himself equal to God. When we are Baptized into His death and Resurrection we become sons and daughters by grace just as He is a Son by nature. If we understand the Grace of God given to us at Baptism, we feel God's security and love as a father. Once joined to Christ, we become His brethren having concerns for the common body, praying for our fellow man and not personal interests. We must not think of God spacially, but rather know He is near the humble.