“Greek Orthodox Christian Church - Birmingham, Alabama”

Photography Credits: Beth Hontzas - Music: Presbytera Katerina Makiej

Sunday Sermon

Our Father - Part 4
February 13, 2022

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Today Father Gregory continues his series on the Lord's Prayer by reflecting on the petition, "Give us this day our daily bread." Translated the petition says, "give us tomorrow's bread today." To answer what type of bread Jesus is referring to, Father Gregory examines the use of the word bread and its significance to the Hebrews. Bread in the Jews mindset would imply manna that God rained down from heaven in the wilderness during their journey from Egypt to Israel. They were allowed to collect enough bread for each day, which kept them focused and dependent on God. The prophet Isaiah says that in the time of the Messiah people would eat bread without a price and Jesus came and fed the five thousand. Jesus says that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word coming from God. Bread in this petition cannot be only material bread we are called to share with our brothers but it is the bread that gives eternal life, the living bread that came down from heaven, Jesus Himself.

“Greek Orthodox Christian Church - Birmingham, Alabama”

Photography Credits: Beth Hontzas - Music: Presbytera Katerina Makiej

Sunday Morning Divine Liturgy - 9:30

307 19th Street South, Birmingham, Alabama 35233 | Fr. Gregory Edwards, Dean | 205.716.3080
