In today’s Gospel passage, we read, “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light.” Fr. Micah, in today’s sermon, speaks to the awareness of this light, as well as the darkness that can so easily encompass us.
Throughout our days, the light, the flame of divinity, is within our midst, yet we remain unaware of it all too often—in darkness. However, our eyes may be opened to the light through repentance. Fr. Micah explains that repentance is a change of mind, a reorientation from self-love to the love of God and our neighbor. To reorient ourselves thusly, we must be humble and follow His commandments. Quoting St. Nicholas Cabasilas, Fr. Micah describes how the remembrance of God and his love is the first step in keeping the commandments.
Having this remembrance, this constant awareness of Christ, the Light, comes through liturgical life. Habits such as saying, “Glory to God,” every time we experience something beautiful and good will transform our life into a continual doxology, full of light.