“Greek Orthodox Christian Church - Birmingham, Alabama”

Photography Credits: Beth Hontzas - Music: Presbytera Katerina Makiej

Sunday Sermon

Accepting God's Grace
February 11, 2024

- Fr. Gregory Edwards, Ph.D -

In today’s Epistle reading, the Apostle Paul writes in 2nd Corinthians Chapter 6, “Working together with him, then, we entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain.”


Foundationally, God’s grace and love is not a right that we are entitled to or deserving of. Instead, it is a gift that we receive freely. This is exemplified from the very beginning when God brings the world into his existence. He was not obligated to create the world, but he wants us to exist. Continuing on, this free gift of grace is shown when God comes in the person of Christ to eliminate our sins and when he gives us his Holy Spirit.


With this understanding of the nature of God’s grace and love, we can begin to see how we might “accept the grace of God in vain.” When we reject God’s gift, when we believe that we deserve it, and when we don’t respond to God’s grace, we are accepting it in vain. Therefore, we must always be “Working together with him,” by identifying our own will with his own will and expressing our gratitude for his gifts.


Fr. Gregory also addresses how, at certain times, God’s grace and love appears to withdraw from us. He explains that this apparent withdrawal is so that we can truly work together with God, accepting his love out of our own free will. In these times, God is allowing us to more freely come to him, making us feel the need for him who loves us. 


At all times, we can accept his grace with thanksgiving, not in vain.

The Rev. Fr. Gregory Edwards, Ph.D., was raised in Virginia and eastern Pennsylvania, and became a member of the Orthodox Church while studying for his Bachelor's degree ...[more]
“Greek Orthodox Christian Church - Birmingham, Alabama”

Photography Credits: Beth Hontzas - Music: Presbytera Katerina Makiej

Sunday Morning Divine Liturgy - 9:30

307 19th Street South, Birmingham, Alabama 35233 | Fr. Gregory Edwards, Dean | 205.716.3080


The Rev. Fr. Gregory Edwards, Ph.D., was raised in Virginia and eastern Pennsylvania, and became a member of the Orthodox Church while studying for his Bachelor's degree in Religious Studies at Brown University. After completing a Master's Degree in the New Testament and early Christianity at Florida State University, he conducted doctoral studies in Greece at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, graduating summa cum laude in 2012. Ordained in 2007, he served parishes in Thessaloniki and Volos for 9 years. He and his wife Presvytera Pelagia lived in Greece from 2006-2016, where their four children were born. He has served as Assistant Professor of Missiology at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary in New York since 2014. Before coming to Birmingham in March 2019, Fr. Gregory served St. George Greek Orthodox Church in New Port Richey, FL from 2016-2019.