Holy Trinity and Holy Cross serves the homeless lunch at the Firehouse Shelter on the first Monday of every month. The Firehouse Shelter is located at 1501 Third Avenue North, Birmingham, Al., and everyone is welcome to come and serve lunch. We start to prepare the food around 9 A.M. If you wish to serve, please call Marilyn Wilson at 205-681-2529
The mission of the Firehouse Shelter Ministries is to provide the homeless men in the Birmingham area a nurturing and caring environment while empowering each individual to reach his full potential.
The Firehouse Shelter is always looking for volunteers and donations. Their website is:
www.firehouseshelter.com The primary goals of The Firehouse Shelter is to:
- Provide emergency services (shelter, meals, clothing, showers, laundry, access to health care, etc.)
- Develop and maintain educational awareness and preventive programs
- Provide access to multi-level programs and services
- Job training and placement
- Comprehensive drug and alcohol programming and rehabilitations services
- Physical and mental health services
Holy Trinty-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Cathedral was one of the founding Member Churches of the Firehouse Shelter.
HolyTrinity-Holy Cross supports the Firehouse Shelter by providing funds supporting Souper Bowl Sunday, Summer Luncheon Fundraiser, Food Festival Donation, Blue Jean and Basket Fundraiser, and donations from Philoptochos. We also donate clothes and food.