Today, on the 4th Sunday of Matthew, the Gospel comes to us from Matthew 8:5-13. Therein, we hear of a centurion who is a model for Orthodox Christians because of his extraordinary trust in Jesus as God. Father Gregory continues his series on the Nicene Creed by summarizing his two previous sermons, where we learn that belief is trust and that trust is in one God, the Father Almighty. Part three in this series focuses on who Jesus is from all eternity, which for the Fathers was most important. Jesus is the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages or periods in time. He is Light of Light, true God of true God, and one essence with the Father. To help us understand this reality, the Fathers use an analogy of two candles, one lighting the other with each flame being the same essence. Father Gregory concludes his sermon by referencing numerous verses from Scripture to answer questions related to how the ideas and expressions came to be in the Creed.